Ecwid (Premium) — Storefront — Main

Main is the centerpiece of the Storefront widgets. Use this widget to customize all of the text in your store to look exactly how you want from type, to color, to size, and more.

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How to use

Ecwid (Premium) — Storefront — Main
Clean URLs
Enable Clean URLs Enable this feature to generate clean URLs for your store.Tip — Enabling clean URLs is potentially better for SEO but do not enable this feature until you have followed the steps outlined in this post.
Product/Category Labels
Force Uppercase Enable this feature to force your procut labels to be in all caps.
Color Adjusts the font color of the product/category labels.
Color Adjusts the font size of the product/category labels.
Color Adjusts the font color of the price text.
Size (Product Grid) Adjusts the font size of the price text inside the Grid, List, and Table view.
Size (Product Details) Adjusts the font size of the price text inside the Product details, Checkout, Order details, and Previous Order details.
Notes is the text that provides additional information to a section such as the product SKU, stock labels, and selected product options.
Color Adjusts the font color of notes.
Status (Notes)
In-Stock/Success Adjusts the font color of the In-Stock or text that indicates something positive.
Out-of-Stock/Error Adjusts the font color of the Out-of-Stock or error text.
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