Ecwid (Premium) — Storefront — Global

Learn more about the Ecwid (Premium) — Storefront — Global Adobe Muse widget

Global customizes the a wide range areas inside the Storefront.

Buy Now $19.99

Table of contents

  1. How to use
  2. Documentation
    1. Removables
      1. Header
      2. Cart
      3. Product Options
      4. Other
    2. Layout
      1. Spacing
    3. Panels & Input/Dropdown
      1. Panel
      2. Input/Dropdown
    4. Popup
      1. Overlay
      2. Preloader
    5. Product Details
      1. Related Products
      2. Product Options
      3. Navigation Arrows
  3. Discussion

How to use

Ecwid (Premium) — Storefront — Global
Remove Breadcrumbs Enable this feature to remove the Breadcrumbs.
Remove 'Log In/Favorites' Enable this feature to remove the Log In/Favorites.
Remove 'Category' From Breadcrumbs Enable this feature to remove the Category text from the breadcrumbs.
Use Default Cart Enable this feature to display the default shopping cart.Tip — By default, the shopping cart will not display on the page until something has been added to the cart.
Default Cart Position
  1. Top Left
  2. Top Right
  3. Bottom Right
  4. Bottom Left
Product Options
Remove Quantity Enable this feature to remove the quantity input.
Remove In Stock/Out of Stock Enable this feature to remove the In Stock/Out of Stock label.
Remove Preloader Enable this feature to remove the default preloader.
Remove SKU Enable this feature to remove the SKU number on every page.
Remove Favorites Count Enable this feature to remove the Favorites Count for each product.
Convert Store to Catelog Will turn your store into a catelog of products. This typically used to showcase products that can either only be purchased in store or to showcase products that are not yet available.Tip — Enabling this feature will disable any ability to add products to the store.
First-Level Sections Adjusts the spacing of First-Level Sections.
Second-Level Sections Adjusts the spacing of Second-Level Sections.
Third-Level Sections Adjusts the spacing of Third-Level Sections.
Fourth-Level Sections Adjusts the spacing of Fourth-Level Sections.
Spacing After Option Labels Adjusts the spacing after Option Labels.
Spacing Between Stacked Buttons Adjusts the spacing between Stacked Buttons.
Panels & Input/Dropdown
Header Adjusts the color of the header panels.Tip — The Header Panel background color is used in when displaying a customer's previous order and when placing an order.
Body/Main Adjusts the color of the Header Panels.Tip — The Body/Main Panel background color is used on almost every page of the store.
Section Divider Adjusts the color of the Section Divider in panels.
Height Adjusts the Height of the Inputs.
Text Adjusts the Text Color of the Inputs.
Background Adjusts the Background Color of the Inputs.
Input/Dropdown (Border)
Style You have 2 options:
  1. Inset
  2. Solid
Input/Dropdown (Border-Width)
Edit Together Enable this feature to keep all border widths the same.
Width Adjusts the width of the top, right, bottom, and left borders.
Width (Top) Adjusts the width of the top border.
Width (Right) Adjusts the width of the right border.
Width (Bottom) Adjusts the width of the bottom border.
Width (Left) Adjusts the width of the left border.
Input/Dropdown (Border-Color)
Edit Together Enable this feature to edit the border color in every state.
Color Adjusts the border color in every state.
Color (Normal) Adjusts the border color in the normal state.
Color (Hover) Adjusts the border color in the hover state.
Color (Active) Adjusts the border color in the active state.
Color Adjusts the color of the overlay.
Opacity Adjusts the opacity of the overlay.
Outer Color Adjusts the color of the outer circle.
Inner Color Adjusts the color of the inner circle.
Background Disc Adjusts the background color of the disc.
Product Details
Related Products
Move 'Related Products' below main image Enable this feature to move the 'Related Products' below the main product image.Tip — This feature will only work if the 'Related Products' feature is enabled inside the Ecwid Dashboard.
Product Description
Description Max Width (px) The maximum width of your description measured in pixels.
Navigation Arrows
Add Navigation Arrows Enable this feature to add arrows to navigate between products.
Arrow Color (Normal) Adjusts the color of the arrow in the normal state.
Arrow Color (Hover) Adjusts the color of the arrow in the hover state.
Arrow Color (Active) Adjusts the color of the arrow in the active state.
