jQuery Inserter

Learn more about the jQuery Inserter Adobe Muse widget

This widget makes it easy to add jQuery to your Adobe Muse website.

DropBox Download Open in Store

Table of contents

  1. How to use
  2. Documentation
    1. jQuery File
    2. Add jQuery
  3. Discussion

How to use

Simply drop it onto your page, enter your code, and preview the site!

jQuery Inserter
jQuery File
jQuery File You have 3 options:
  1. Do nothing
  2. Link to file on URL
  3. Upload jQuery File
Tip — You can add up to 4 jQuery files.
Add jQuery
Insert jQuery Add your jQuery to the input. There are multiple boxes for convenience but you do not need to add jQuery to all of the boxes.Tip — Do not include <script> </script> tags, they have already been included for you.
