SEO for Courses

Learn more about the SEO for Courses Adobe Muse widget

The SEO for Courses is an SEO widget for courses that activates Google Rich Cards. Here's an example of what search results with this widget might look like: Google Rich Card courses example

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Table of contents

  1. How to use
    1. 3 important rules
    2. Have more questions
  2. Documentation
    1. Version
    2. Robots
    3. Webpage
    4. Course
  3. Discussion

How to use

The SEO for Courses is one of the essential widgets and like all of the essentials, it should be used once on every page.

3 important rules

  1. Never leave this widget on your Master Page(s).
  2. Always make sure the content in each widget is unique.
  3. Remove any existing description from your page properties. All Essential widgets generate the tag for you.

Have more questions?

If you have a question that this page doesn't answer, take a look at the essential widget FAQ page. If you still have a question, always feel free to ask in the comments below!

SEO for Courses
This will tell Muse which canonical tags to generate for the webpage. If your website is fluid, you'll never need to change this.
Site Version You have 4 options:
  • Fluid (fluid layouts to not have any alternate layouts)
  • Desktop
  • Tablet
  • Phone
This is the homepage This feature is for Fluid websites that want to remove index.html from the homepage. Only enable this feature when placing this widget on the home page.Tip — make sure you redirect the index.html version of your homepage to always redirect to the version without index.html. Follow this guide to learn how to do this.
Index Page This tell search engines whether you would like your page to be indexed.
Follow Links This tells search engines whether you would like the links on your page to be followed.
Image An image that represents the content of the webpage. This is also known as the Social Media Preview Image. Tip — Bigger is better but it should be at least 600x600. The image should represent the page in a visually appealing way. Many companies (including myself) use stock images. The image should also have very little text on it (if any).
Add Image Dimensions Enable this feature to add the width and height of your uploaded image.Tip — when a user shares a link to a page, if that page has not been shared on that platform, the image might not load in the preview because the platform hasn't indexed the image yet. If you add the image dimensions, however, the platorm will be able to load the image even if it hasn't been indexed yet.
Image Width The width of the image.
Image Height the height of the image.
Description A quick description of the webpage. Tip — The description is one of the most important parts of SEO. As an industry standard, descriptions should not exceed more than 160 characters. This post by Moz provides more information on why this is the standard. Remove any existing descriptions in the page properties. This widget will generate this tag for you.
